I am almost halfway through the Math 25 College Algebra Summer Fast Track class here at Chaffey. I don't mind it, and so far I've been able to keep up with it. It turns out it's a hybrid class, with some of the class being online (mostly the homework system of ConnectMath with a digital textbook), and class meetings being held in person.
I've taken one online class before, Intro to Philosophy, and while it was easy to navigate (we used Moodle, which is similar to Blackboard) and I never saw the instructor, I was a little put off in that there was no face-to-face interaction (with Philosophy classes I like the debate and discussion aspect of the class). I didn't feel like I was actually going to school. But that's a different problem than what I am facing with ConnectMath.
Usually I do my homework on the weekends, and with math I do take a little more time than others might. I give myself time to process the material, and this class is no exception. However, I find myself frustrated as I do the problems, enter them into the "palette" on ConnectMath's website, and it gets marked wrong, despite me being right.
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Seeing this when I know the answer is right is very frustrating. |
Aside from questions that ask for set builder or interval notation, most of the time no format required is given, so when I get a problem wrong just based on the format, it makes me not want to do my homework. I've spent hours, unnecessarily, on a set of 15 problems, mostly because if you get it "wrong" more than two or three times, it resets the problem for you and you have to start all over again. Then I get frustrated because if I could turn in homework traditionally (a fat stack of paper), I'd be done and out sitting by the pool.
In class yesterday, the instructor tried to show us some examples by projecting the "palette" on the screen, and she came up with the same issues. In frustration, she said, "Is this what you guys have to deal with?" and received a unanimous, "Yes!"
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These videos are nice to watch to review the material on my spare time. |
But that is just a review of the "palette" tool of the ConnectMath website. Other than that, the website does have tutorial videos I watch on my lunch breaks, practice questions for review, and a link to the textbook, which is always handy. Most problems even have examples to learn from. And if you do get it wrong, not just from formatting issues but you legit got the answer wrong, you can do guided solutions and ask the computer to solve the problem.
So far I seem to be doing OK in the class. It's hard to tell when you're frustrated, because that can actually hinder your ability to learn. I got an 88/100 on the first test, which is a lot better than I thought I would get (I thought I got a low C). I am doing my best to study all the time and not just before the test. It's a little hard to do so when the class is so compressed and we have a test every other week. In a normal schedule, I would have more time to study and that period of 2 weeks would be a given for cramming anyway (at least, what I call cramming).
One thing I am doing is re-writing my notes. In class I have a notebook that I scribble everything into, then I got a second notebook to re-write in a neater and more comprehensive manner when I get home. I'm not going to be going into study aesthetics, however. There's just no time, and if you know me, you know my handwriting is an impatient, loopy catastrophe (that only I seem to be able to read which is fine by me).
This week is our second test which seems to be a take-home test or online test. I hope it is take-home, only because I fear what would happen if I don't put the answer in the right format for the "palette." I'll be quick with my screengrabs, then.
If you are taking summer classes, how are they going? What are some challenges you are facing?