
Staring Graduation in the Face: How it Started

9:32 PM
Today I received information about a grad fair coming up. At this grad fair I can pick up my regalia (blue for once, I've only ever worn red or black!), pick up free stuff, and I suppose get some ideas on what's to come after graduation. I'm excited.But also a bit sad.I see in this same email that I get 8 free tickets...

Emotional Health While in College Pt. 2

5:48 PM
 Alright, onto part 2.So we learned a lot about what we do to sabotage our own self care. But the previous 3 things are all results of the last thing. A lack of boundaries, or poor maintenance of boundaries.Poor boundaries create poor self careWhat is a boundary? Certainly you've heard the term being tossed around. Most people I talk to think of boundaries as...

Emotional Health While in College Pt. 1

5:08 PM
Do you know what self care is?If I asked you, "What do you do for self care?" what would you say?Most people I ask say they:I have a spa day now and againI treat myself to a mani/pediI take a bubble bath with aromatherapy salts and/or candleI meditateI planned a cool vacation (insert random number) of weeks from nowThese are great self care...

Quiet Quitting: A Response to Quiet Firing

1:47 PM
I'm stepping out of the normal subject matter for this blog with this post, but I feel its relevant as many people my age (I am 40 now) have gone through some manner of career change or career identity crisis in their life. After all, my career change, and going back to school to facilitate that, are a product of workplace tactics that...

Graduation on the Horizon

12:22 PM
This is it my friends.The moment I have been working towards since 2015.This week is the last week of my practicum, where I am learning how to be a therapist by working with real clients under the tutelage of some really amazing supervisors (I haven't blogged about this because there isn't much about it that I can actually share due to confidentiality reasons)....

Don't Let Academia Bully You

12:08 PM
I recently participated in a discussion where many students felt that their professors were bullying them, and they didn't know what to do about it, or why it was happening. Unfortunately, professors are not always professional, and sometimes they can unload their issues on another person. To some, a student is below them, and they can do what they want to make those...

Keep It Together While Writing a Lit Review

10:48 PM
A big part of studying psychology is conducting literature reviews, which are like research projects but require APA formatting and doesn't involve any actual studies (i.e. surveys, experiments, or observations). Instead, it is much like an MLA report where one reviews different peer reviewed sources and create a report that usually just includes the Introduction, Literature Review, Discussion, and Conclusion. Since no study...

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